Food, Nature, People

A CIFOR-ICRAF event with the Global Landscapes Forum supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Forests Trees and Agroforestry. Food, nature, and people are the three essential elements of our food system. When these elements are in balance, our food system provides nutritious food and livelihoods and supports natural systems like biodiversity, nutrient and water […]

Climate Change and Sustainable Energy

About the workshop “How can the African-European cooperation in climate change and sustainable energy be strengthened and where are the chances, constraints, and needs?” The R&I partnership ‘Climate Change and Sustainable Energy’ of the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology, and Innovation (HLPD) will discuss with the workshop´s participants in four break-out sessions the necessary actions and responsibilities […]

AGRF Summit 2021: Pathways to Recovery and Resilient Food Systems

The eleventh Annual Summit of the AGRF, which brings together thousands of delegates from governments, the civil society, the private sector, research community, and development partners will be held virtually from 6-10 September 2021 and will be co-hosted by the Government of Kenya and the AGRF Partners Group. Events begin on Monday, September 6. 2021 […]

The Nexus of Law and Water: Recent developments in the rights of nature and ecocide

Holistic legal definitions for environmental concerns have proven elusive – but recent developments have pushed forward the acceptance of the Rights of Nature and a shared and accepted definition of Ecocide. These changes are driven by many factors including an escalation of litigation related to climate change in jurisdictions around the world and grassroots activist […]

Wastewater and Emerging Pollutants: Unfolding A Toxic Story

This webinar aims to discuss the matters of heavy metal contamination, microplastics, and nutrients with reference to wastewater. It will focus on case studies, projects, and examples that will present the current trends and ways to tackle these issues. Registration is required. Click here.

Wastewater and Emerging Pollutants: Unfolding A Toxic Story

Background: Emerging pollutants is a term used by water quality professionals to describe contaminants that have been detected in water bodies. These may cause harm to human health and the ecological systems and are typically not governed under the current environmental laws, posing as a greater risk to our livelihood. Heavy metal contamination is an […]

Advocating For Ecosystems and WASH: A Blended Learning Course – Call for Registration

Course Dates: September 13-30, 2021 Number spaces available: 15 Course registration form: Advocacy plays an important role in creating and sustaining momentum for progress on conservation and human health policies. While multi-sectoral initiatives have been gaining attention in recent years, there are still many policy platforms that fail to recognize the critical links between human […]

Disaster resilience and risk in the context on Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Insights from Africa

This is the first session of the 2nd Round of Webinar on Water-Energy-Food Nexus. It focuses on NEXUS SOLUTIONS. This session #1 covers the disasters such as droughts, floods, fires, pests, and diseases that expose millions of people in Africa to food, water, and energy insecurity that have been exacerbated by climate change. Disasters create […]

Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar series 2nd Round, 2021 on “Solutions Using Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approaches”

The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a useful framework for addressing complex transdisciplinary natural resource and environmental challenges in integrated, innovative ways. This webinar series explores using and operationalizing WEF nexus approaches for finding solutions to these challenges. The series focuses on examples and solutions by linking and using WEF nexus approaches to timely interventions, technologies, […]

Symposium on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences

A CityGML based shared urban platform development to maximize synergies in the food, water, and energy sectors is the focus of the FWE IN-SOURCE project. Coordinated at the HFT Stuttgart, teams in Vienna, New York City, and Stuttgart work jointly on technological and socioeconomic research questions. In this final event, the project team would like […]