Solutions and investments in the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus: A synthesis of experiences in transboundary basins

The new publication ‘Solutions and investments in the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus: A synthesis of experiences in transboundary basins’ addresses these questions and comes with five main messages:

  1. Since transboundary basins account for around 60 percent of global freshwater flows, their potential to generate benefits across water, food, energy, and ecosystems through integrated solutions and investments is enormous.
  2. Transboundary cooperation is crucial to make them possible and basin organizations have a crucial role to play in coordinating or catalyzing nexus solutions and investments. They can facilitate the cross-sectoral dialogue needed to develop sustainable water infrastructure in shared basins.
  3. Tackling water and environment-related issues through nexus solutions in transboundary waters is possible and there are many lessons to be learned from around the world.
  4. Successful approaches require the understanding of inter-sectoral linkages as well as a dialogue process to jointly prioritize key issues and elaborate solutions.
  5. Important vehicles for ‘nexus’ solutions and investments include:
    1. cross-cutting regional strategies agreed by multiple governments,
    2. river basin plans developed jointly by riparian states,
    3. regionally coordinated financial support from financial institutions.

Read full publication here!