Do you want to inform the transformation of African Urban Food Systems? Do you want your mapping and modeling to contribute to climate-resilient and sustainable, healthy food systems in 3 African cities?
If yes, Please apply at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Location: Amsterdam
FTE: 1

Job Description
You will help coordinate and do research in a new project that focuses on the triple challenge of achieving food and nutrition security in African (secondary) cities by addressing the interaction between rapid urbanization, climate change, and the increased production for international value chains. The project aims to contribute to transformative adaptation strategies that enhance the resilience of urban food systems in connection with climate impacts on agricultural production in the urban hinterlands. The project uses a food systems mapping and modeling approach to identify critical linkages, actor networks, and leverage points in urban food systems. Network models allow understanding the cascading impacts of climate change on the urban food system. Using such food system understanding, the project aims to co-design with stakeholders in government, the private sector, and civil society, possible interventions, and governance processes that contribute to improved urban nutrition and higher resilience of urban food systems to climate change. Specific attention will be given to the role of international value chains operating in the sourcing regions of urban fresh produce in terms of competition for land and water resources, or as leverage points for new value chains feeding into the urban food system. The consortium will work in 3 African secondary cities that differ in anticipated climate change impacts and types of international value chain interaction.
- help coordinate the consortium of European and African partners
- build simulation models using Bayesian networks to represent the urban food system
- be part of transdisciplinary co-design workshops that use these models to inform the design of food system interventions
- publish scientific papers related to the project findings, disseminate results to stakeholders
- PhD degree in food systems, socio-ecological modelling, environmental sciences or similar
- experience with interdisciplinary research
- proven expertise on quantitative mapping and modelling
- willingness to conduct project coordination tasks
- good writing skills
What are we offering?
A challenging position in a socially involved organization. On full-time basis the remuneration amounts to a minimum gross monthly salary of €3.353 (scale 10.4) and a maximum €4,402 (scale 10), depending on your education and experience. The job profile is based on the university job ranking system and is vacant for at least 0.8 FTE.
The employment contract will affect a period of 1 years, with extension to 3 years upon good performance. We expect that the successful candidate can start this position between June and September this year. Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as: a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment, 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus, solid pension scheme (ABP).
Click here to know about the VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM.
Application Deadline
Are you interested in this position? Please apply via the application button and upload your curriculum vitae and cover letter until April, 4 2021. Please indicate clearly in your cover letter when you could start this position and include a publication list (and provide access to potential papers not yet published when relevant).
Applications received by e-mail will not be processed.
Please contact Peter Verburg (, if you have any question regarding this vacancy.