Upcoming Webinars
Shaping digital agriculture capacities – A D4Ag online dialogue
Do you work with digital technologies, innovations or data to deliver and transform agriculture and food systems? Join a global network of 1,200 people to help shape future investments in digital agriculture (D4Ag) capacities. From 19 November to 10 December, the Digital Agri Hub’s online D4Ag dialogue aims to identify capacity gaps, opportunities and best-bet […]
Convene a Session at the Virtual Africa Water and Sanitation Week: Call for Expression of Interest
The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW-8) and the 6th AfricaSan will be held virtually from November 22-26, 2021. The two events (8th Africa Water Week and 6th AfricaSan) will jointly be organized and convened under the auspices of the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) in conjunction with the African Union Commission. The Government of […]
Africa Water and Sanitation Week 2021
The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW8) and the 6th Africa Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene (AfricaSan6) are being jointly organized this year as a virtual conference on 22-26 November. Joined together as the Africa Water and Sanitation Week (AWSW), the conference is convened by the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) in conjunction with the […]
Nexus Project Cluster Workshop: Advancing the Nexus for Science and Policy
The objective of the virtual workshop is to update participants on recent Nexus Cluster initiatives. Projects that have started in the previous year will be presented, and emerging nexus-related research topics introduced and discussed. The workshop will provide a platform for high-level interaction and project groups to exchange their experiences. Additional discussion points include the Nexus […]
Reporting on climate change complexity in the Mediterranean region
Mediterranean countries are facing a set of complex and interrelated challenges that are increasing climate change vulnerability of the region – many of which are directly related to water, energy and food production, distribution and use. These three elements are inextricably linked. Water is used for energy production, and energy is the dominant cost factor in […]
WE4F Southern and Central Regional Innovation Hub hosts webinar: Expression of Interest from Services Providers
The Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) Southern and Central Africa Regional Innovation Hub (S/C Africa RIH) invites service providers, vendors and consultants to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) to become part of a qualified pool of service providers who will be invited to bid on procurement opportunities published from January - June 2022. […]
Water, Land, and Ecosystem (WLE) Legacy Symposium
This WLE symposium will celebrate the achievements and impacts of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) which will close following a ten-year journey in December 2021. The event will demonstrate the science-driven, practical innovations that WLE has generated to address critical climate challenges and advance the transition to more equitable, productive, […]
The 4th Mediterranean Water Forum 2021
Between the 6th and 8th December 2021, the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) of Malta, in collaboration with the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), shall be hosting the 4th Mediterranean Water Forum in Malta. Initiated in Marrakech in 2011, the Mediterranean Water Forum is intended to be a regional event that brings together the main stakeholders in the Mediterranean […]
The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice
Water, energy and food security are deeply interconnected. Each of these sectors depends on and sustains the others. An understanding of the interdependencies of natural resources and their planning, management and consumption is at the heart of the Water, Energy, Food security and Eco-systems (WEFE) Nexus approach. Applying the WEFE Nexus approach enables us to […]
Transforming food systems for better nutrition, health, and prosperity
Over the course of the past two years, and in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic, the UN Secretary-General’s Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) has engaged world leaders and thousands of people from around the world in an ambitious effort to accelerate actions towards more sustainable, equitable, and healthier food systems and realising the 17 Sustainable Development […]