International Workshop on “The Water-Energy-Food-Nexus: Implementation and Examples of Applications” 04 October 2022: 08:45-10:30 and 11:15 to 13:00 hours (TBC) Adelaide, Australia Background: The world’s population is expected to grow from 6 billion today to at least 9 billion by the year 2050. The population growth, urbanization and industrialization are imposing rapidly growing demands and […]
The FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022 will take place from 17-21 October, virtually and provide different stakeholders, in particular from low and middle-income countries (LMICs), the space and opportunity to take stock of the science and evidence base and gaps, engage in dialogues and share experiences around science-based actions and innovative solutions. Roundtables, panel discussions, […]
About: The 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium will be held in Rustenburg, South Africa at the Sun City Resort, 19 – 21 October 2022 under the theme Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development in East and Southern Africa. The North-West University is the lead host of the 23rd Symposium. The Symposia have been held annually in […]