The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a cross-sectoral approach to
resource management and sustainable development. We propose a framework for
linking the WEF nexus to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing
SDG 2, 6 and 7. We further propose indices and models to evaluate WEF nexus
performance. A systematic analysis of existing WEF nexus frameworks in academic
and gray literature resulted in the development of a South African framework that
considers the three sectors as well as technological innovation, human well-being,
the SDGs, and different drivers of the WEF nexus. It is proposed that this framework
be utilized as a point of departure for future research related to the WEF nexus in
South Africa. Future research on the WEF nexus should focus on (i) developing an
integrated model and indices to assess WEF resources in South Africa and creating a
WEF nexus database; (ii) translating existing knowledge to inform policies for integrated sustainable resource management; and (iii) undertaking participatory research to demonstrate the applicability of the WEF nexus at the local level, focusing on the
poor. The development of a WEF nexus model and indices is a pathway for unlocking
the value of existing Resources data indices to integration generate sustainability new
Resources, Indices, Integration, Metrics, Models, Sustainability
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Mabhaudhi, T., Simpson, G., Badenhorst, J., Senzanje, A., Jewitt, G. P. W., Chimonyo, V. G. P., … & Nhamo, L. (2021). Developing a Framework for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in South Africa. Climate Change and Water Resources in Africa: Perspectives and Solutions Towards an Imminent Water Crisis, 407-431.