Future Earth – Belmont Forum

Future Earth hosted a workshop for early career researchers (ECRs) from Africa to discuss collaborative research ideas in preparation for a Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action (CRA) on Transdisciplinary ResearchPathways to Sustainability. The objective of the Belmont CRA is to address interactions and cross-cutting issues in the sustainable development goals. One of the key topics is to build novel research collaboration and networks that address trade-offs among sustainable development. Our WEF Nexus in Africa consortium participated in this ECR Workshop. The workshop allowed ECRs to pitch their collaborative ideas with senior scientists and learn about the process of engaging in the Belmont forum. Over 100 ECRs attended from 29 countries working on all 17 sustainable development goals. Contacts were made with researchers interested in WEF Nexus related projects. More information about the workshop and the Belmont Forum CRA see this.

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