The 21st WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium will be held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 28th – 30th October 2020 under the theme Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development in East and Southern Africa
Call for Abstracts
Authors are invited to submit their abstracts for presentation at
the symposium for oral, poster or special session
presentations. Abstracts should be:
- A maximum of 350 words (Do not exceed the number of words as the system will not accept more than 350 words).
- The format for all text should be font size 12, Times New Roman and single-spaced.
- The title should be no more than 16 words in title case.
- Author’s names should be written in such a way that the initials appear first followed by the last name.
- The authors names should indicate one corresponding author* (with an asterisk) and the email of the corresponding author.
- The affiliations of authors should be shown through letter superscripts (such as a, b, c).
- Five keywords should be included in alphabetical order.
- The abstract should include a clear statement of the theoretical issue to be addressed, the research methodology to be presented, and a concise summary of the findings and conclusion.
- Work must be unpublished at time of presentation.
- Maximum of 3 submissions per author, either as single author or joint co-author are allowed
Submission of Abstracts and Papers
All abstracts will be handled and reviewed electronically via the conference’s EasyChair submission Note that you will need to set up an EasyChair account (if you do not already have one) before you login for your submission. Several roles have been set on the platform for the 21st WaterNet/WAFSA/GWP Symposium, kindly register as an author, all other roles will be done through invitation. When completing the submission form on EasyChair, you will
see a space which asks for an abstract to be typed in or pasted. Kindly copy and paste your abstract here. Further down the page you will upload your full abstract as a pdf attachment. You should receive confirmation of submission of your abstract from EasyChair immediately after submission by email; if you have not, please bear in mind that any emails received might be found in your spam folder.
Selection Criteria
All abstracts submitted for oral/poster presentation will undergo a peer review process and the results will be communicated to the corresponding author. By accepting an invitation to present a paper, the author or at least one co-author commits to attending the conference.
Full Call for Abstracts Here