Mbih, Richard

Mbih, Richard
Assistant Teaching Professor of African Studies
Penn State University
015 G Sparks Building, University Park, USA

Dr. Richard Mbih is a Geographer by training with research interests on agro-pastoralism and indigenous farmer-herder conflicts, natural resource governance, political ecology, environmental policy and development in Sub-Saharan Africa. His research falls within the context of food-energy-water nexus, with emphasis on agro-pastoral sustainability, food security environmental justice and community development. Dr. Mbih's work critically examines the benefits of crop-livestock integration through alternative indigenous agro-pastoral conflict management on livelihood security and community development in Africa  with case study in Northwest Cameroon. Through his field research experience in Cameroon, Richard has established collaborations with researchers and development partners in the University of Bamenda, University of Yaoundé 1, and local development organizations promoting agro-pastoral production and rural development such as the Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA) involved in sustainable livestock production and community development among Fulani pastoralists in Northwest Cameroon (NWC), and the Upper Noun Valley Development Authority (UNVDA) involved in paddy rice and food crop production in the Ndop Floodplain in NWC.