Pauline Macharia

Macharia, Pauline
Vienna University of Technology
1040, Karlsplatz City, Vienna, Austria

Pauline Macharia is currently a Ph.D. scholar at the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien), Austria in collaboration with Egerton University, Kenya. Pauline’s Ph.D. work focuses on the "Optimization of energy input for the drinking water supply in Kenya". She has a great interest in the application and opportunities of the Water-Energy Nexus in addressing water supply gaps in Africa due to the role of energy as a major operational input for water supply. Before starting her Ph.D., Pauline was an assistant lecturer at Egerton University, Kenya where she was teaching aquatic ecosystem management courses for three years. She holds an MSc in Environmental Sciences specializing in Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems from UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands, in conjunction with Austrian Academy of Sciences. She has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Aquatic Sciences from Egerton University. For over ten years, Pauline has been involved in research in aquatic ecosystems in Kenya both lake and river ecosystems especially in water quality and environmental flows. In addition, Pauline has done research on the microbial quality of drinking water and its influence on human health.