I am a professional Engineer with the Engineers Board of Kenya, and a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya, for which I chair the Agriculture subcommittee of the Policy Research and Advocacy committee. I am also a Senior Lecturer, and Chairman, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department, Kenyatta University, Kenya. I have contributed to the formulation of regulations under the Environmental Management Act, as well as sit in the Sanitation and Water treatment technical Committee of the Kenya Bureau of Standards. I have also been involved in the development of university curriculum and programs (from Diploma to Ph.D.).
My Area of specialization is the Soil, Water, Environment Engineering (SWE) option of Agricultural Engineering, with strong research interests in Pro-Poor Low-Cost Environmental Sanitation Technologies, Green Economy, and sustainable Diets Systems. I have been involved in novel elements of research on the appropriate technologies in the handling of wastewater, solid waste, and environmental studies.