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Joint NEX-LABS, FAO and PHEMAC webinar: Supporting Water Energy and Food Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean
June 17, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The NEX-LABS project is co-organizing this webinar in collaboration with the United Nations’ FAO, PHEMAC project and with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
In this event, two support perspectives are presented aiming to demonstrate the Water, Energy and Food Nexus in practice.
The first comes from the ongoing PHEMAC project, funded under the ‘Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area‘ Programme (PRIMA) showing the opportunities offered by the interactive iHub platform and its different modules to stimulate the visibility and use of NEXUS R&I results connecting the NEXUS stakeholders’ demand and offer.
The second, from the ongoing NEX-LABS project, illustrates opportunities to motivate entrepreneurial attitudes of NEXUS stakeholders and young EU-Mediterranean Partner Countries’ entrepreneurs to develop novel technologies or services to face NEXUS challenges, productivity enhancement programs to strengthen NEXUS value chains through different options of vouchers and grants or tools to identify regional NEXUS stakeholders and scenarios as a result of future Nexus Driven Open Living Labs implementation derived from a Nexus Joint Action Plan.
The event will take place on Thursday 17th June from 13:00 CEST to 14:30 CEST.
13:00-13:10 – A NEXUS story. From 5TOI to WEF-CAP, Dr. Gustavo Pérez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
13:10-13:25 – PHEMAC iHuB platform, Dr. Majid AlSadek (Egyptian Center for Innovation & Technology Development); Mr. Danilo Giacomi (Net7)
13:25-13:40 – Landscape identification for clustering scenarios to implement NDOLLS tackling the policy capitalization, Dr. Amr Radwan (Academy of Scientific Research & Technology); Dr. Rana El-Hajj (American University of Beirut)
13:40-13:55 – Consolidation and buildup of a networking strategy to support the establishment of reference Nexus Living Labs in the Southern Mediterranean, Ms. Krystel Khalil (Berytech)
13:40-13:55 – Motivation of WEF NEXUS entrepreneurial attitude, Dr. Mohammed Aljafari (Royal Scientific Society)
14:00-14:30 – Q&A and discussion, Prof. Manuel Valiente & Dr. Gustavo Pérez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)