eDNC2020 Session: Towards a Nexus Knowledge Agenda


EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) and the Nexus Project Cluster jointly organized a session during eDNC2020, the Dresden Nexus Conference, which was held June 3-5. The session was entitled ‘Towards a nexus knowledge agenda’ and some 170 people participated. The purpose of the session was to identify knowledge gaps with a view to strengthen decision-making adopting the nexus concept. Three EU-funded projects (DAFNE, MAGIC NEXUS and SIM4NEXUS, each of them members of the Nexus Project Cluster) presented their main findings and their perspective on emerging knowledge gaps. A Panel discussed the possible contribution of the nexus towards science-policy interactions at national, European and international level. Members of the panel included Harry Lehmann (Sustainability Head/Nexus) (German Environment Agency), Panagiotis Balabanis (European Commission, DG Research & Innovation) and Edeltraud Guenther (UNU-FLORES, Germany). UNU-FLORES (partner in the Cluster) is planning to develop a policy brief on a nexus knowledge agenda, for release and further discussion during a science-policy workshop, possibly in Brussels during early 2021.

Presentations in the session included:

  1. DAFNEA decision-analytic framework & multi-perspective visualization for participatory WEF nexus analysis for policy making
  2. MAGIC NEXUSMoving to Adaptive Governance in Complexity: Informing the NEXUS
  3. SIM4NEXUSSIM4NEXUS Key Findings
  4. The EITFostering System Innovation to “Find innovative solutions for water scarcity in Southern Europe”
  5. UNU-FLORESTowards a Resource Nexus Agenda

For more information visit NexusCluster