East Africa Regional Innovation Call


Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) works closely with the private sector to scale up climate-friendly, energy and/or water-efficient innovations. The overall goal is to increase the sustainability of agricultural food value chains and address environmental and climate resilience in developing countries and emerging markets – with a particular focus on the poor and women.

Innovations may include technologies (such as weather forecast apps, solar cooling technologies, hydroponic farming approaches), business and finance models (such as pay-as-you-go models for solar pumping, leasing models for e-motorbikes in rural areas), and new modes of cooperation (e.g. sharing economy model, which favours access to technologies and services over ownership).

The objectives of the hub include:

  1. Supporting the distribution of innovations (solar technologies, apps, e-mobility, etc.)
  2. Strengthening entrepreneurial capacities
  3. Informing end-users and multipliers about innovations
  4. Improving access to financing for innovators and end-users
  5. Improving political conditions for innovations
  6. Accelerating the exchange of experiences on the local, regional and global level

WE4F is looking for promising and innovative businesses working at the nexus of water, energy and food in East Africa. This call for applications is an incredible opportunity for water-energy-food businesses which are looking to scale, so as to increase their impact in the areas of food security, gender and poverty reduction in an environmentally sustainable way.

Accepting applications from May 18th to June 15th.

Learn more about this call for applications here.