General Information
The World Water Forum represents one moment every three years where the international community can bring together a diversity of shared knowledge, raise awareness for water issues among political, social and economic decision makers based on shared knowledge, align activities toward a common agenda, and create collective action to reach those shared goals, notably but not limited to the SDGs.
The content development will be articulated around four priorities: Water Security; Rural Development; Cooperation; and Means and Tools, each of which will be coordinated by a Pilot Group. Action groups will be established at a more focused objective level under each of these priority areas, as follows. Potential linkages to SDG targets are indicated in parentheses to create coherence, synergies and facilitate possible direct contributions towards the achievement of Agenda 2030, based on established indicators.
The 9th Forum wishes to concentrate on concrete outcomes, for which collective action will be organized and presented through sessions. That means the action groups will identify ways they can together move the water agenda forward in specific areas in an ongoing way. In this way, the Forum will be more than a series of sessions, but a commitment to getting things done together.
The action groups will also draw from a broader Consultative Group, which can act as a broader community of practice encompassing a variety of stakeholders. The Consultative Groups are formed through an open call process and operate on a voluntary basis. In particular, they can be solicited to react to and comment on different proposals; express interest in being actively involved in various activities; respond to surveys; etc.
How to apply to become a member of an Action Group or a Consultative Group:
Send an email in English or French to forum@worldwatercouncil.org and
dakar2021@worldwaterforum9.gouv.sn stating:
• Your name
• Which organization and country you come from
• Your email, telephone number and Skype name
• Which priority Action you wish to support (1.A through 4.E)
• Whether you wish to be a member of the Action Group or the Consultative Group
• Short motivation (no more than 300 words) of why you want to join the action group or consultative group and how you can contribute—what do you think can be achieved and how?
• Previous relevant experience
When you send us an e-mail with your application, please write in the subject “WG application”.
Please note that the list of members will be shared with all organizations.
Deadline for applications: 28 February 2020 12:00 pm
For more information, please refer to the 9th Forum website, the First Announcement and the Concept Note for Contributing Stakeholders.